Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Jailbreak or upgrade to iOS6

To update or not to update, that is the question.
Apple unleashed iOS 6 on the world today, and as with any new iOS release, the update temporarily kills jailbreaking. A public jailbreak for iOS 6 will be released eventually, but it will likely take months. Until then, the latest jailbreak-friendly version of iOS is 5.1.1.

If you’re jailbroken on iOS 5.1.1, should you bother with updating to iOS 6 before the new jailbreak comes out? Here’s why you should, and here’s why you shouldn’t.

Why You Should
You think iOS 6′s 200+ new features are super awesome, and you just can’t live without them for a couple months.
You’re bored of your iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak, and you want to hop on the Apple kool-aid bandwagon.
It’s not that you’re bored with jailbreaking, but you can live without your Cydia tweaks for awhile.
Why You Shouldn’t
iOS 6 isn’t really that magnificent of an upgrade, and your jailbroken iPhone is just too cool for school already.
It might take a really long time for hackers to get an iOS 6 jailbreak ready for prime time. Are you prepared to wait that long?
If you really rely on a number of special jailbreak tweaks every day, then upgrading to iOS 6 is probably not worth it right now.
Once a new version of iOS drops, you can’t downgrade back to the previous version. That means the window of opportunity for installing iOS 5.1.1 (the latest software version that can be fully jailbroken) is closing rapidly. Absinthe will still jailbreak iOS 5.1.1, but you’re locked out once you update to iOS 6. Time to choose your poison.

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